I'm Going to Recycle Some Content

I’m not feeling in much of a writing mood, so if you’ll excuse me, I’ll repost some of my martial arts movies blog posting from my Retro Martial Arts Media page. '

Yeah, it’s being lazy, but it’s okay. I’ll be back at some point generating fresh, new, stream of conscious content.

By the way, my postings on martial arts movies is not always very educated or compelling. Most of the time, it’s just a stream of conscious musing about what that movie is stirring in me at that exact moment in time, LOL!

I won’t leave you hanging. I’ll attach one to this post, and then the next few posts going forward will be exclusively that. Cool? Here we go:

ONCE MORE, WITH FEELING - BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (Musical Episode) - starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan

This was a classic episode of Buffy. Season 6, Episode 7. You don't have to know the Buffy story to enjoy it, buuuuut, it totally helps, if you do!

There is martial arts action on demons, and singing. The title of this episode is a little nod to Bruce Lee's dialogue with his student in Enter the Dragon.


The vampire hunters from Sunnydale find themselves in the world of musicals — a very special episode, featuring the hit "Walk Through The Fire" in which the stars prove their talent for singing and dancing impressively. During a visit to the graveyard, Buffy suddenly feels the urge to sing. A supernatural power plays a trick upon her and her friends, as suddenly they all begin to sing and dance. Soon the whole of Sunnydale is struck by musical fever.

Watch this, start at 1:09 into it:
