Shaolin vs. Wu-Tang


Now, how many of y'all have actually seen the film the rap group named themselves after?

If you're a fan of Wu-Tang Clan, then when you watch the film, and hear the lines they sample, it makes you go buck-wild! Hip Hop culture and old Kung-Fu films culture mesh together so well, it's a thing of beauty!

So I didn't really realize this until later, but the priests from Wudang are Taoist. And obviously Shaolin monks are Buddhist. So there are quite a few Shaw Brothers films that pit Wudang against Shaolin. So Taoist vs. Buddhist.

The general premise of Shaolin Vs. Wu-Tang is that if you combine the Taoist martial arts and the Buddhist martial arts, your skills would reach an unparalleled level. Sounds like mixing martial arts, eh?


In a plot to make himself the master of both disciplines, a jealous leader forces two friends from rival martial arts schools to fight each other.

Check out this clip with the samples from the film: