Secret Rivals

SECRET RIVALS starring John Liu and Hwang Jang Lee

This film has pretty much nothing to do with Secret Rivals 2. I actually liked 2 better, but still, this first one was pretty awesome! Wong Tao is the "Southern Fighter" who does some Hung Ga Kuen. He also wields a really interesting looking pair of nunchucks!

This film was shot in Korea and was probably the first Hong Kong-Korea collaborative film production.

Lots of high intensity kicking action, as the two main stars (Liu and Lee) are both Taekwondo guys. And when you've got Ng See Yuen choreographing it (he choreographed Drunken Master and No Retreat No Surrender), it's gonna be fast paced, furious, and creative!

This was made in 1976, so Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon was still fresh in people's minds, so there's sort of a tournament part of the film, where there's a random Russian fighter, LOL!

Legends like Yuen Biao and Yuen Wah are in this for a brief moment. You can't really see them well, until in one fight scene, you see a couple of guys doing INSANE flips, and then you're like, "Ah, that's them!"

SYNOPSIS: (Do you really need it? Here's what the internet says) Two rivals (Don Wong, John Liu) join forces against a common foe.

Pretty much. There's a female love interest thing, almost a triangle situation, and a kid in there, too. So, yeah. There's also Hwang Jang Lee's unexplained motive for being evil, other than, he's just a greedy, evil, tough guy. Fair enough - plenty of those around!

Here’s a trailer: