My Workstation Hack - Standing Meditation!

I just now re-arranged my workspace. I based it on the standing Wuji meditation practice, also known as Zhan Zhuang or standing Qigong.
The idea is this, and maybe you might find some benefit in this.
There’s a powerful meta in standing meditation. Some meditation practices have you sitting, getting somewhat comfortable, and then when ready, to ease into the meditation practice. I do this practice, and value it, for sure.
But the standing meditation, generally done in martial arts has a twist to this - you’re not going to get too comfortable, You’re going to stand. It puts you in a frame of mind of work. After all the word Kung, as in Kung-Fu or Gong, as in Qigong, refers to work/skill. So whether you were able to stay present and empty your mind or not, your legs will be worked, and will get stronger.

So in my workspace, I am underscoring a similar principle. I am not using a chair, and have made everything at standing level. So, if I am to get on the computer, I’m here to work, not lounge. Even my musical instruments, when I compose. They are all elevated (I even have a standing guitar holder) - if I am to do music, I must stand. I have taken away the sitting option, for now.
We’ll see how this goes - my guess is that it will make me more productive. If I am in a leisure mode sitting and looking at a screen, and in that same positioning, I am to be productive, I have to make a hard mental shift.
But if I stand, it may signal that hey, it’s time to do stuff. If you’re here, you’re here to be productive. No leisure about any of it.
If I want leisure, I’ll be on my phone, on the couch, which is in a different room.

This is all using Wind energy - I’m moving around from conventions, and trying new approaches. At the very least, it led to this blog post! :)