The Ju Jitsu Techniques I'm Currently Training

One of the problems a person like me faces is that I sometimes “know too much”. What that means is that I’ve collected and gathered a lot of information, a lot of techniques and concepts from martial arts disciplines, but haven’t really devoted a lot of time to them. Oh sure, I’ll pass tests, and earn belts and certificates and all that. But I have not made it into a regular, daily habit of practice.

I have with some techniques of Choy Lee Fut Kung-Fu and Yang Style Tai Chi. But with Ju Jutsu, not as much, because typically it requires a partner. Well, with a grappling dummy, one can certainly develop habitual training discipline. True not all Ju Jutsu techniques can be fully executed on a grappling dummy, but some can, and some is better than none.

Even though I know way more Ju Jutsu than this, these are the techniques I’m currently drilling in my daily martial arts training sessions:
1. Leg Hook Takedown
2. Rear Takedown
3. Take the Back, Rear Naked Choke - Right Side
4. Rear Naked Choke - Left Side
5. Straight Armlock from the Mount
6. Americana Armlock from the Mount
7. Trap & Roll from Punches
8. Elbow Escape into Guard
9. Triangle Choke - 1.5 Setup
10. Guard Get Up

These, to me, seem like very important fundamentals to keep at the forefront. Ju Jutsu is one of those arts where if you don’t practice, the skills perish very quickly. It’s been a few years since I’ve done regular Ju Jutsu training sessions, so when I first started back, it took me a moment to develop the fluidity and proper positioning of all the above-mentioned techniques. Now they feel a lot more smooth.

I’ll probably stay with these for awhile, before I rotate in some different techniques that I have in my “library” of techniques!