Turn Off the Technology & Media, and Start Pacing!

Just be. I mean, I’m saying that as I’m writing a blog post, haha! But, you get what I mean. So, you know, read this, and then power it down. ;)

I am a kinesthetic learner and thinker. I come up with my best ideas when I am pacing. Not just walking, but pacing. Something about pacing really gets my synapses firing. I know folks like Steve Jobs say they do some of their best thinking while going for walks, so he made sure to regularly go for walks.

And I do, as well, but for some reason, when I pace, I get going. Maybe something about having the freedom to walk, but knowing at a moment, I have to turn around and go the other way. So, whereas in a walk, it is most likely open ended or reaching a particular destination, pacing is walking freely, but in a space where there are clear parameters that make you turn around, pretty frequently.

Perhaps it is symbolic - anytime you come up with some sort of creative solution, you are probably operating from a set of parameters and constraints.

One thing I have yet to try is to see if pacing jump starts a creative process. I generally pace when a “lightbulb” in my mind goes off, and I want to explore it further. But one thing is for sure, when my whole body is engaged in thinking, rather than just sitting in a chair and typing away on a computer, I tend to come up with some rather innovative ideas.

So, try it! Turn off the devices and start walking, or even pacing!