Stream of Conscious Martial Arts Creativity

Sometimes, when i’m at a loss for what to post in regards to martial arts, I remind myself to just go with the flow of my stream of consciousness. What ever I am thinking about, just write it, and write about it, and center the post on it.

Sometimes, I get in this mindset of feeling the need to provide some sort of immediate value. But then I realize, the moment I put thoughts and energy out there, in any form, it could be of value to someone, even if it wasn’t of much value to me.

Sure, I could make a post of a little more commercial value, say, something like:
How Martial Arts Can Help Your Child Deal With Bullying Behavior.

That is a typical, click-baity headline, that has a lot of commercial appeal. I’ve written my share of those types of posts. Perhaps I may do those, every once in awhile. In the world of martial arts, there is a time to fight uphill, and a time to go with the flow. When it comes to just regular internet presence, I’m learning to take a more “go with the flow” stream of consciousness approach. Sometimes the content pieces may do nothing, except tell the internet algorithms that, yes, hey, I’m still alive, and I’m still out here. Other times, if I have a direct project that I’m trying to promote, like say, an Anti-Bullying program, for example, then it would make sense to do targeted posts, like the title I mentioned above.

So, on with the stream of consciousness. A lot of it is probably scroll through, but you never know, there might be one that connects with you. Either way, I’ll keep ‘em coming! :)