Momentum - The Hardest Part is Getting Started

This is true with anything. It definitely applies to martial arts. You want to reap the benefits of martial arts training…you know, the self defense, the strength, the health, the confidence, etc.

But the hart part is getting started. But once you do, you’ve created momentum. Now, you have to keep going, to keep the momentum up. Just like one of those fidget spinners. Good - you gave it that one spin, and it’s going pretty well. But that spin will die down, and you have to spin it again, to keep it going. And again. And Again. And again.

But once you’ve done about 3 good spins, you’re in, you’ll start going faster and faster. The hardest part was picking it up and getting it started.

Getting yourself to get out of the door can be one of the hardest things to do, and I respect that, A LOT. I face the same issue, sometimes. I am, by nature, an introvert, so it takes me a moment to get myself out into the world.

But once I do, I am very glad I did, I learned a lot, had a lot of great connections and insights, and enjoyed my time. But that getting out was the hardest part.

So if you can preemptively and proactively forecast that, yes, getting started will be tough - just gotta power through it, then you’ll hit that “flow-mentum” soon. You know you will.

For extroverts, that might not be so hard, you’re ready to get up, get out, and engage. For introverts, it can be a challenge. We do deeply value our alone time, but, we do need interaction and engagement as well.

The momentum is the reward for getting started - that’s been my newest way of looking at it!