I Post These for Google, Not Facebook!

I used to copy and paste all of these blog posts onto our Facebook business page. It’s a social platform, and I’m saying stuff, so might as well, right? Sometimes, people even like the posts.

Well, I’m not doing that, anymore. I feel like it is a waste of time. What isn’t a waste of time is letting Google know that this site has movement and activity. So that way, it might just show up in someone’s search results, because there is activity going on here.

Really, I have no idea how these algorithms work. But it seems like Facebook rewards engagement, so make stuff as click-baity as possible - which I HATE. And I’m sure Google has a degree of that, but it really seems like Google is more into things that have regular updates.

I don’t just want to post nonsense, either. I do want to share my thoughts of martial arts, psychology, society, etc. It is of value to me, to express myself - there’s something very cathartic about it. And there is a potential that someone out there might enjoy/benefit from it. I may not get that feedback most times, and that’s okay. The “incentive” is that I am slightly boosting my internet presence, but more importantly, I’m expressing myself.

At any rate, this was my first full week of posting, I’m looking forward to seeing what comes out of my noggin the next seven days!

Hope you had a good week, see you Monday!