AI is Just Not Creative Enough For Me

So, I’ll admit to you something - the last few posts on this blog I was experimenting with AI producing copy. I’d type in the topic, and just copy, paste, and schedule it to publish on this blog.

Sure, I could keep doing that. Maybe I will at some point, for “content farm” purposes, but, I just can’t swing with it. I’ll tell you why.

Bruce Lee said that martial arts to him was all about “honestly expressing yourself”. As a business, people make a decision on whether they want to work with me or not, based on how I make them feel. How I make them feel is a reflection of me honestly expressing myself. I feel like Austin Kung-Fu Academy should be a very honest expression of myself.

AI can’t really do that. I have a particular philosophy that is unique to me and only me, and I want to attract only people who can connect with it. I am blessed, fortunate, and grateful that there are people who do.

AI is going by large scale data inputs. And sure, I can have a generic article up about how Tai Chi is a style of Kung-Fu. That’s not un-useful, to be sure. But my own unique spin on that would be:
Although we don’t practice the martial applications of Tai Chi in my class, because my students want it for holistic health purposes, I do give a visual picture of possible applications of a movement, just so when they execute it, they can visualize it, and direct the energy in a more focused way, rather than simply doing a movement abstractly without any context.
I’d also add that the idea of moving slow in Tai Chi is something I use in my Kung-Fu and martial arts classes sometimes, because it helps us stay more present in the movement and develop awareness on some of the fine-point nuances in the mechanics.
What do you think of that? AI is good, but it ain’t THAT good, LOL!
It’s funny, just thinking about it now - now that I typed that last bit, it probably now is configured somewhere in the AI brain that compiles data from open websites!

So who knows, maybe if I keep posting, AI might be able to replicate some of my quirkiness and nuances. But I'll always be a few steps ahead! In this realm, AI can be good for generating volumes of basic data. But my whole vibe is that I offer something a little different and unique than “basic data”.

BTW, what is up with ChatGPT?! I’ve been using Bard AI, b/c I think ChatGPT is starting to make you pay, or something? Whatever. Anyways, I don’t use it all that much. But I have to say, I’m posting this blog entry because of AI, because I asked it to help me create a content-creating schedule.

So just like with martial arts techniques and weapons, they are tools. But they’re only effective if you use them in a strategic, efficient, and productive way.