Spirit, Energy, Community, Kung-Fu!

It is so amazing to see our kids leveling up their skills and their character in our classes. I design my classes so that I can have as many people feeling themselves leveling up as possible in a relatively short duration of time.
The transformation I see in kids is what keeps me teaching every day, for the last 17 years, as of this blog post.
I’ve had kids who started as 5 year olds, and then in a blink of an eye, they are asking me if I could write them a college recommendation letter!!
That is a big perk of being a longtime student of mine, because since I’ve seen them grow, year after year, I can vouch for their character, ethos, and accomplishments.

Here’s a 2 second video of our kids showing a little spirit and energy:

I’ve been teaching long enough to know that it won’t be too long before some of these kids start asking me to write a letter of recommendation for them, as they transition to new life journeys. I am always happy to!!